Mechanical License


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Mechanical License
Michael Burton



Federal Copyright Law dictates that anyone recording, or that has recorded this material in the past, must have a Signed Mechanical License Agreement from the Publisher, which is Michael Burton Music. 


Michael Burton Music

Michael Burton Music                                                                             Date:
P.O. Box 549
Vail, Arizona USA 85641-0549


Title: “ Night Rider’s Lament “

Composer: Michael Burton Percentage Interest: 100%

Lyrist: Michael Burton Percentage Interest: 100 %

Publisher: Michael Burton Music Copyright Owner Percentage Rate: 100 %

Royalty for both words and music:       copies @ USD $ .091 = $                 USD $

Manufacturer’s List price:_________________________

Format and Cat. No: Include (LP) for disc product, (T) for tape product, (CD) for CD product, (DA) for Digital Analogue.

Format:-____________________________ Playing Time:___________________

Matrix No.: ________________________ Release Date:

Recording Artist(s):

Record Co.:

Recording LP/CD/DA Title:

The undersigned (Publisher), owns the copyright and has exclusive control over any , and all, rights to reproduce in any form, be they words or music in any form, any and all matter of the above titled musical work.

You have advised the Publisher that you wish to use the said copyrighted work under the compulsory license provisions of Section 115 of the Copyright Act relating to the making and distribution of phonograph records of said work. (Phonograph records or Records throughout this document refers to all CD, Tape, LP, Digital, or other sound recording use of said work)

Upon your doing so, you shall have all the rights which are granted to, and all the obligations which are imposed upon, users of said copyrighted work under the compulsory license provisions of the Copyright Act, after distribution of phonograph records of the copyrighted work to the public in the United States by another person under the authority of the copyright owner, except that with respect to records thereof made and distributed by you.

1. This license covers and is limited to one (1) particular recording of the Copyrighted Work as performed by the artist(s) on the record number set forth above and this license does not supersede or in any way effect any prior license now in effect respecting other recordings of said Copyrighted Work.

2. You shall pay royalties and account to us by written statement setting forth: the full amount of all and total units sold, and full amount of accrued royalties earned, as Publisher, quarterly, within forty five (45) days after March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31 of each and every year hereafter on the basis of records made, distributed, and not returned all so outlined in your submitted written statement.

3. For such records made and distributed of said Copyrighted Work. the royalty shall be the statuary rate in effect at the time the record was made, except as otherwise set forth above.

4. In the event you fail to both, account to us the Publisher, and pay royalties, as herein provided for, we shall have the right, in addition to other rights or remedies which we shall have in such an event, Publisher shall have the right to by written notice giving you thirty (30) days from the date of the notice, terminate automatically this compulsory license to use or market said Copyrighted Work.

5. With respect to each statement rendered by you hereunder, we shall have the right at our sole cost and expense to conduct an examination during normal business hours of your books and records at the place where such books and records are kept with respect to each statement and we may designate our own representative to make such examination on our behalf.

6. In the event of a conflict between the parties hereto arising out of, related to or in any way connected
with this document, the prevailing party thereto shall be entitled to collect all costs incurred therein together with attorneys’ fees.

7. This license is limited to the United States, its territories and possessions, and Canada.

This License is effective retroactively to the date of: ___________________________

Very truly yours,

Michael Burton Music ____________________________________________
Authorized signatory
Michael Burton

Approved and Accepted by:

Recording Company

Authorized Signatory

Title or Position

Address: _______________________________________________


Email:  _________________________________________________

Phone: _________________________________________________


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Michael Burton Music
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